Heavy duty stitched and riveted. We offer this popular handmade, non-restrictive type harness, because of its superior design. People who do a fair amount of biking with their dogs enjoy using this harness.The design allows all harness straps to follow the contour of the body of the dog for unbeatable comfort and full range of motion of the head, shoulders and all four legs. The harness adjusts to fit your dog as he grows and changes. All the straps are hand-stitched to provide hours of continuous comfort in the field. We use only hand-made brass plated D-ring tracking line connections that will never rust.The harness does not restrict the air flow of the dog in any way. This is an extremely important feature on a tracking harness during long tracks where the dogs need all the help they can get.In fact this is the main difference between an agitation harness. The agitation harness has a padded breast plate to cushion the dog when it hits the end of the line while doing protection work. The dogs need this cushion to absorb some of the shock of a tie out. This breast plate causes too much of an air flow restriction to be used in long police or Search/Rescue tracks. An agitation harness is also to heavy for long distance tracking.This harness is available in black or burgundy.
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Rust resistant brass hardware for leather Doberman harness
Check how this Leather Tracking Harness looks on dogs / our video
Dick Tracy, Nebraska, USA
Date added review: 25/05/2021
Alice The harness arrived today. Thank you it looks great and fits great. Very pleased with this harness.

[5 of 5 Stars]