Royal Nappa Padded Leather K9 Collar
Hi Guy,
What can i say!! - I ordered my Collar and leash/lead from you on the thursday and by tuesday it was in my hand..thats only only three working days, and i live in the UK!!
I was unsure whether to order, as all i could do was view a picture and could not feel the quality, but so glad i did order - the quality,craftmanship,feel and thickness of leather is truly outstanding for this type of product.I will be sure to recommend you in the future.Please do feel free to use my comments in your customer reviews if you so wish -A quality company and product deserve praise.
Thanks once again Keith and Duke(Great Dane)from the UK.
Hi Guy
got my order today, as usual fantastic quality collar, looks great on boomer and arrived really quickly!!!
thank you again mate
Ian & Ali greenfield
Description | This is a picture of Bella a twelve month old presa canario and the collar fit perfectly thank you for such a great product.
This collar will fit dogs with neck size 23 inch and up to 28 inch (59 cm - 72 cm)
Need a different size? Please contact us
This Collar Is Extra Wide - Almost 1 1/2 Inch and made of highest quality leather - Which Makes It Perfect Tool For Handling Large And Active Breeds
This Leather Collar Is Made With Attractive Braids !!! That Help Bring Out The Beauty Of This Hand Crafted Creation.
 Available In Black Very Strong and Thick Perfectly Oiled and Selected Leather
This collar is made of very strong, durable and soft leather. No doubled up fillers or machine stitches...which means the edges won't fray! "Functionally fashionable".

- Braids are hand braided, set with rivets and stitched for extra strength.
- Strong highest quality leather to handle massive and strong dogs
- Buckle leather protector to keep your dogs fur in perfect condition
- Hand set rivets secure the brass buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash.)
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Check how our products look on the dogs/ Our Video
Hi Guy,
I just treated boomer to a new collar and choke think he deserved it as we were in an AB show yesterday he won 2 to 4 yr old standard male went on to win best standard male then the crowning glory went on to win best in show so im well happy with him!!! had a guy fly over from the states to do the judging,i always like to show under american judges as its an american breed and they give a good critique ill send a pic of him in his new collar hope you and your family are well
Many thanks
From :Ian, UK 

Hello Guy,
The collars did come in..they came usps...not ups where I was tracking it from...the quality of the collars/leashes definitely exceeded my expectations...the leather is so soft..we will be ordering from you again in the near future..thanks so much....
From :Glenna, USA, Florida Hi Julia,
Letting you know I finally received the new leash and collar today. Well worth the wait, the collar is really exceptional way beyond anything I could ever find in a local pet shop. I referred my friends Cary and Kirsten to your site as they have two Bordeaux Mastiffs and were interested in collars for them as well.
Brett from Burbank, CA, USA
Guy, Thanks for the kind words. Dupree is a great dog. I actually got him from a shelter in Wyoming. The collar has generated a lot of comments- everyone that sees it loves it. From Utah, USA Hi people from dog trainers would just like to say that my two harnesses came two days ago and there amazing! I have adjusted them and they fit perfectly. loving the quick release buckle and the padding assures me that my two babies also have the comfort and security that they need . I'm extremely pleased and am looking forward to doing business with you again in the future. Thank you Louisa from London, UK Dear Guy, Received my order yesterday. The agitation collar was just what I needed to to get a "handle" on Bogart, my 160 pound bullmastiff and the nappa padded Royal collar is a beautiful piece; both well worth the price. I was especially inpressed by the substantial weight and "feel" of the collars. Even the chain coupler lead was "mastiff-grade." Recommended you to a friend with a pitbull who was envious of my new finery. From Steve We received our order today and the collars are in fact real nice. Thank you! Mulegal from Nevada, USA.
George Johnson, Connecticut, USA
Date added review: 15/03/2021
Finally got delivery! Collar is well made and of high quality. Leash is okay but nowhere near the collar. Can't wait to see what others think of collar. So far so good.

[5 of 5 Stars]